We live in an age when it’s possible to do a lot of things on your own. Yet, that’s not always the best option. There are some areas of your life where it’s very important to work with an audiologist because of the complexity of what you’re trying to achieve.

Take everything to do with hearing loss, for example. This is an issue that’s unlikely to resolve itself on its own and something that requires specific care and treatment.

This is where an audiologist comes in. When you’re searching for new hearing aids, you’ll benefit from the expertise and experience of working with an audiologist. In this article, we’re going to run through the ins and outs of why you need to get a hearing test before deciding on which hearing aid is right for you.

Hearing Tests

There’s more than one type of hearing aid available. There are three to choose from: these are behind the ear (BTE), in the canal (ITC) and in the ear (ITE). There are various factors that go into determining which one is the right for you. A hearing test is an integral part of this process. They’ll help to evaluate the cause of the hearing loss, as well as the extent of the loss.

Once the audiologist has finished the test, they’ll have a clear picture of your overall hearing health, as well as which treatment option will be the best one for you.

Signs You Need a Hearing Test

If you’ve thought that you might need to get a hearing aid, then the first step is to get a hearing test. This will determine whether you actually do need a hearing test. There are a few telltale signs that you should begin exploring the option of having a test conducted. These include:

  • If you’re continually turning up the volume of the television and radio.
  • You’re having difficulty following conversations when one or more people are speaking.
  • You’re asking people to repeat themselves.

These are just a few of the signs. In truth, you’ll probably know yourself that it’s time for a hearing test. But the good news is that it’s easy to get a test. And if it’s found that you could benefit from a hearing aid, then you can begin the process of getting one fitted.

What An Audiologist Will Look For

It takes training and expertise to conduct a hearing test properly. That’s because the ears and everything connected to them is pretty complex, and there could be a whole host of reasons why you’re experiencing hearing loss. An audiologist will help to determine the cause and the extent of the hearing loss. They’ll also be able to look for any signs that there may be an underlying health reason for the loss of hearing.

What To Expect from Your Hearing Test

As you’ll see once you go to your hearing test appointment, audiologists look for a variety of things that you would not be able to determine on your own. During the test, an audiologist will test the following:

  • Traditional pure tone: During this phase of the test, you’ll wear some headphones and listen to tones that are played at different frequencies and volumes.
  • Speech recognition: During this phase, the audiologist will whisper some words from a variety of different distances. You will need to repeat the words back to them.
  • Bone conduction: This test evaluates the ability of the bone behind the ear to pick up on sounds and vibrations.
  • Auditory brainstem: This part of the test determines the type of hearing loss: it’ll be either sensorineural or conductive hearing loss.

Choose The Hearing Aid That’s Right for You

The hearing test might just be the beginning of a journey that’ll ultimately end with you experiencing an improved quality of life. If it’s determined that you do have hearing loss, the audiologist will guide you through your hearing aid options. They’ll be with you every step of the way to ensure you get the one that’s right for you.

So, the answer to the question is a hearing test required before buying hearing aids is a resounding yes. If you’re experiencing hearing loss and you’re ready to explore your options, then look at scheduling a hearing test with us here at Audiology and Hearing Aid Center. You can make an appointment by calling us at (920) 486-6922, or you can click the schedule online button at the top of this page.

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