So you think that there is something wrong with your hearing aid. You have done the once over yourself of your hearing aid and have even checked to make sure that the battery is new and working, but your hearing aid is still malfunctioning. You have booked an appointment with your audiologist, which is the first step in fixing your hearing aid, but what kind of questions should you ask during your appointment? Let’s take a look at the kind of questions you should be asking during your hearing aid repair appointment.

  • What costs should you expect? First and foremost you may want to discuss cost with your audiologist. Some hearing aid repairs are very cheap and cost effective. However, at the same time, some repairs cost a small fortune and it may be cheaper in the long run to purchase a new hearing aid. So talk with your audiologist before any major decisions are made.
  • What are they doing? Ask your audiologist what they are doing as they are testing and diagnosing the issue with you hearing aid. Some of the tests that they perform may be done in the office with you present and watching, however, some of the tests may be done in their back room. So be sure to ask what tests they have done in order to determine if and what the problem with you hearing aids may be. Being informed is important.
  • Why are they doing these tests? Ask them why they are performing specific tests. Some tests are done for very specific reasons, so while your hearing aid may be tested one way the next patients hearing aids may be tested another way. Once again information is important and knowing what and why it is happening is key to understanding what is wrong with your hearing aid.
  • What are they looking for? Ask what they are looking for. Get your audiologist to explain what they are looking for during each test that they perform and get them to explain to you the results that they find with your hearing aid. Once again knowledge is power. The more you know the more you can prevent in the future.

Hearing aid repairs can feel worrisome when you don’t know what to expect. Your audiologist will be able to evaluate your hearing aids and determine if it’s a minor problem they can fix or if it is more serious and needs to be sent to the manufacturer. Regardless, your audiologist will communicate all the appropriate steps and information with you during the hearing aid repair process.