Recognize your hearing loss is making communication difficult. Know that help is available. Hearing aid studies have shown that people who have a positive attitude do better with hearing aids.
Identify communication settings that are difficult for you. Relate those settings to your audiologist. If your audiologist understands your communication needs, they can better address your problems in choosing the best hearing aid for you, programming the hearing aid and helping you to develop strategies to manage your difficult situations. Work with your audiologist to find the best hearing aids for your hearing loss, your lifestyle and your communication needs. Your neighbor or friend’s choice in hearing aids may not be your best choice. No two people are alike.
Be realistic. Hearing loss typically develops over many years. Becoming re-acquainted with sounds while using hearing aids will take practice and time. It is important not to become disillusioned or frustrated while your brain adjusts to the sounds provided by your hearing aids.
Be patient with yourself and your new hearing aids. Your audiologist is your advocate. Continue to ask questions to maximize the use of your hearing aids.