Before buying a hearing aid, you need a detailed assessment of the hearing problem by an experienced otolaryngologist. Depending on the type of hearing aid, it is advisable to get the right earphone that fits in your ear. Once you have your hearing aid, you are going to want to ensure that you make the most of your hearing aid and give it the longest life possible. Here are the types of hearing aids you may be familiar with:

  • Behind-the-ear (BTE), hearing aids connected to a special plug that enters the ear canal.
  • Behind the ear with the loudspeaker in the ear canal (RIC).
  • Inside the ear (ITE), most of the earpiece is in the ear canal and the rest is slightly visible.
  • Hearing aids that are completely inside the ear canal (CIC).

The best hearing aid for you depends on your particular hearing and hearing needs, the size and shape of your ear and ear canal and the dexterity of your hands. Many aids have a special system for talking on the phone or when there is noise in the environment. Other options such as FM systems and Bluetooth devices combined with hearing aids may provide the best benefits for some patients. Some hearing aids 

How to take care of your hearing aid 

Sometimes, hearing aids cause a few minor problems that can be easily taken care of, by being aware of how to take care of your hearing aid. Good cleaning and not being heavy handed is going to really assist. If your hearing aid begins to whistle, there may be a few common problems and here is how to avoid them:

Poor application: Just like the rest of the body, your ears change over time. For example, a gradual change in the shape of the ears can loosen the mold of your headset and it may not fit properly. So, the sound leaves your ear and returns to the handset, which causes the whistle. To fix this, buy a new mold that fits the shape of your ear. Ask your audiologist to reassess. Generally, if the hearing aid does not fit properly in the ear, it allows the sound to escape and return to the headset microphone. So, make sure it is properly positioned and tight. 

  • Very high volume: You may sometimes like to turn up the volume on your hearing aid. Adjust the volume to the desired level and avoid overdoing it. Don’t over work the hearing aid too much.
  • Bad connection: On some hearing aids, the tube attached to the mold may harden and shrink. Thus, the mold no longer fits properly and you will need to replace the tube with a new one. If there are any damages, you must ensure they are fixed immediately but always place your hearing aid away out of harm’s way to make sure no damages occur. The microphone in the hearing aids may also be due to the loose or incorrectly placed internal microphones. A professional audiologist will help you deal with this problem. 
  • Wax: Excessive wax production in your ear can also cause additional problems, such as otitis or hearing loss. In these cases, regular cleaning of the ears by your doctor is necessary. This will also ensure that it doesn’t inhibit the way that your hearing aid works.
  • Don’t let it get dirty: Establish good habits very early on. You should always touch your hearing aid with clean hands and wash your hands before you clean your hearing device. Do not get them too wet, in the bath or shower a this can cause water damage but you can gently clean them then clean in lukewarm, soapy water. Allow to dry naturally, making sure there are no drops of water left inside. Hearing aids do fare well in water but they are not made to be entirely soaked and saturated so be sure to keep this in mind. 

Your audiologist will be able to further assist you on the ways in which to look after your hearing aid and increase its life. By good practice and taking care of it, it will naturally have a longer lifespan. Hearing aids require systematic care and maintenance for optimal operation. After applying your hearing aid, you should continue to visit your hearing care professional again for your headphone settings, cleaning and any repairs. Keeping on top of the maintenance will ensure you can enjoy great hearing for much longer.

For more information on how our friendly team can assist you, please feel free to contact us today at 920-969-2768.