When you wear hearing aids to help you hear better for the first time, it takes a little while to get used to them. The first few days with your new devices are very important to your success and happiness because they can affect whether or not you keep using them. These six tips and tricks will help you get used to your new hearing aids as quickly and easily as possible.

This will make it more likely that you’ll enjoy them for years to come. So, you can keep living your life to the fullest because you can hear better. Read on to find out more.

Slowly Build Up the Amount of Time You Wear Your Hearing Aids

Start by using your hearing aid once or twice a day for an hour or two. Do this where it is quiet. You should wear both of your hearing aids at the same time if you have more than one.

When your hearing aids start to feel better, you should start wearing them outside and work up to wearing them all day. You shouldn’t wear them to sleep or to the shower. The more you use your hearing aids, the faster you will get used to them. So, it’s best to keep wearing them as long as possible.

Listen To Everyday Noises

Get used to hearing noises such as the hum of the refrigerator and the kettle boiling. The brain has acclimated to hearing impairment, so it can take some time to rediscover what sounds are essential and when.

Try Having a One-on-One Conversation

It’s possible that you’ll become more aware of the sound of your own voice than you usually are. Some individuals have compared the sound of this to that of an echo, while others have compared it to hearing their voice on an answering machine or recorded message.

Even though it can seem odd at first, this is something that happens very often and is nothing to be concerned about. The more often you use your hearing aids, the more natural all of this will seem to your ears, and having one-to-one conversations is a good way to do this. Make sure that you are in a calm setting that has enough lighting.

It is much simpler to lipread the other person if they sit facing you. It is also a good idea to let the other person know that you are still getting accustomed to using your hearing aids and that they should exercise some patience with you as you adjust.

Try Group Conversations

Talk with more than one person at a time. You might find it easier to understand what people are saying and enjoy being in groups more. You might want to tell people that you are still getting used to your hearing aids and that they should still get your attention before talking to you. This means that you can turn around and face them, which will help your hearing aids work better.

Try Using Your Hearing Aid in Noisy Places

The hardest places to listen are places with a lot of noise, like restaurants or train stations. Try these when you feel ready. The more you use your hearing aids, the better you’ll be able to deal with noise in the background.

Learn What’s Normal – and What’s Not

Some of the things that might make you want to take out or stop using your hearing aid are normal, especially in the first few days and weeks while you get used to it. You may have noticed:

  • Your hearing aid is making you feel uncomfortable: You might not like how it feels when you put it in your ear. The expert may tell you to start out by only wearing the device for part of the day until you get used to it.
  • There is noise in the background: Hearing aids can pick up both the sounds you want to hear and the ones you don’t want to hear. Even though this is normal most of the time, you should talk to your audiologist if the sound hurts your ears.
  • You hear a whistling sound as a result of feedback: Your hearing aid may not fit properly or earwax or moisture could be obstructing your ear canal, causing this. Any feedback you hear should be taken care of as soon as possible by contacting your audiologist.

For more information and to have your questions answered, contact the Audiology and Hearing Aid Center at (920) 486-6922.

Tags: hearing aid tips