Hearing aids often come with misconceptions and misperceptions regarding their benefits and uses, from how often hearing aids need replacing to why they may even be necessary in the first place. Unfortunately, such misinformation prevents many people from reaping the rewards that a good quality hearing aid has on life – we will discuss ten common myths about hearing aids and disprove them so you can make an informed decision as to whether one would suit yourself or someone close to you.

Hearing Aids Will Make My Hearing Perfect

Hearing aids may help improve your hearing but cannot restore it back to perfect levels. A properly fitted and maintained hearing aid, however, can make a dramatic difference in helping you hear conversations more clearly as well as participating in activities that involve listening more fully.

Hearing Aids Will Make Me Look Old

This assumption could not be further from the truth! Today there are numerous discreet designs and styles of hearing aids to meet any lifestyle. You can select one that won’t draw too much attention from others.

You Can’t Exercise with a Hearing Aid

Contrary to popular belief, you can still take part in physical activities while wearing a hearing aid. Many modern models are specifically tailored for active lifestyles with sweat-resistant coatings that make them suitable for sports and workouts.

You Don’t Need to Clean Your Hearing Aids

Cleaning hearing aids regularly is crucial to their effective operation, and it is recommended that at least once a week you use a cleaning brush or cloth on your hearing aids and using warm water and soap for cleaning of earmolds.

Young People Don’t Require Hearing Aids

Hearing aids can be an invaluable aid to all ages; therefore, if someone in your family has been diagnosed with hearing loss it is wise to seriously consider hearing aids as a solution. There are even devices designed specifically for children and teenagers which can enhance communication abilities in social situations.

All Hearing Aids Are the Same

There are a variety of hearing aids on the market today, each with its own set of features and advantages. When searching for hearing aid solutions that best suit you or a loved one’s individual hearing requirements, consulting an audiologist is paramount. Furthermore, some models can even be programmed specifically to suit these individual’s hearing requirements for enhanced effectiveness.

Hearing Aids Are Difficult to Maintain

Hearing aids are generally easy to maintain, provided that you follow their manufacturer’s instructions. Regular cleaning with a brush or cloth should help ensure they work at maximum effectiveness, at minimum once every week. Earmolds should also be washed every day using warm water and soap; should any components break or become defective they can usually be replaced by an audiologist.

Hearing Loss Is Natural with Age

Age-related hearing loss is common among those aged 65 and up; however, that does not make it inevitable or insurmountable. There are various steps you can take to protect your hearing, such as minimizing exposure to loud noise, using earplugs when necessary and wearing hearing protection when necessary; additionally regular visits to an audiologist can identify early signs of damage before becoming more serious.

Hearing Aids Are Uncomfortable

Modern hearing aids have been designed to be comfortable for wear without causing any pain or discomfort; their size and type can have an impact. If a hearing aid does prove uncomfortable for any reason it is essential that this be discussed with an audiologist who may offer suggestions or adjustments that will reduce any distress experienced.

Hearing aids are an invaluable asset to people experiencing hearing loss. While there may be myths associated with them, learning the facts and taking steps to maintain your hearing health are crucial steps toward getting the most out of hearing aids and improving quality of life through them. So don’t let myths stand in your way from receiving the assistance you need – consult an audiologist now for assistance on selecting and caring for a hearing aid!

Are you in search of more information regarding audiology and hearing aids? At the Audiology and Hearing Aid Center, our knowledgeable audiologists offer expert advice and support to make informed decisions about your hearing health. From hearing tests to providing custom earmold fitting services, our team of audiologists are dedicated to making sure your hearing aid gives maximum benefit to you. Contact us now at (920) 486-6922 for further details or schedule an appointment – we look forward to helping improve your hearing health!

Tags: hearing aid myths, hearing aids information